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WiFi Installation: What to Expect on the Day

Call the Professionals to Fix your Slow Internet

Wi-Fi Engineer fixing slow internet in a home

Leave it to the WiFi technicians to handle all the details of the installation process.

WiFi up-grades made Straightforward and Simple with the WiFi Specialists

You’ve researched how to fix slow internet speeds and booked your expert WiFi installation professionals.  Finally upgrade day is nearly here, it’s time to get the internet fixed! There have been months of dealing with those agonisingly frustrating drabs of signal, buffering and dropped connections. Very soon you will be seamlessly streaming shows, online gaming without interruptions and simply enjoying the digital world on your extended WiFi. The constant struggle and the agony of sluggish internet will be a distant memory.

Now you’re counting down the days to faster browsing, smoother and seamless connectivity but you’ve been mulling over the whole idea of having work done in your home and are feeling a little apprehensive. The thought of strangers in your home, drilling holes and setting up gadgets is a tad unsettling.
In this post, we discuss what to expect on the installation day. Where our WiFi installation team to take care of the whole process. We’re here to demystify the process and show you why enlisting the help of our friendly WiFi specialists is easy and a game-changer for your home network.

The Need for WiFi Installation Professionals

A reliable and robust WiFi network is the backbone of every home or business. Whether you live in a spacious, irregular-shaped property or a home built under heritage construction. Ensuring your property is equipped with a seamlessly functioning wireless network is essential. So here at NetLinx Cabling we believe that engaging the services of expert WiFi installation professionals should be as simple and hassle-free as possible.  A proficient WiFi installer can tailor the installation to accommodate the intricacies of your home, ensuring optimal coverage in every nook and cranny. Our services are suited for all levels of technical knowledge. The friendly technicians are more than happy to answer your questions to help fill in the gaps on your tech knowledge.

Benefits of a Correctly Installed Home Network

A correctly installed home network goes beyond merely providing internet access; it becomes the cornerstone of your smart home. Here are some key advantages:

  • Seamless Uninterrupted Connectivity: A well-designed WiFi network ensures seamless connectivity throughout your property, eliminating dead zones and ensuring a smooth online experience. Additionally, the optimization process results in a network that effortlessly transitions between devices, providing an uninterrupted online experience.
  • Optimised Performance: WiFi specialists optimise your network for peak performance, guaranteeing fast and reliable internet speeds even in expansive or irregularly shaped homes. Moreover, this fine-tuning enhances the overall efficiency of your network, allowing for consistent and high-speed performance across all connected devices.
  • On-line Security: WiFi engineers implement robust security measures, keeping your network and data safe from potential threats. Furthermore, these security enhancements not only safeguard your online activities but also fortify your network against any potential vulnerabilities, ensuring comprehensive protection for your digital environment.

The WiFi Installation Process – Enlist a WiFi Expert Installation Team

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes? Let’s break it down, step by step.

1) Project Requirements: A WiFi engineer will conduct an assessment of your space. This includes analysing the layout, identifying potential obstacles, and discussing your specific needs, either on-site or remotely. At this stage an experienced wireless network expert will plan the optimal cable routes for a tidy finish with cables expertly concealed, leaving your space clutter-free. It’s an opportunity to discuss your budget, any preferences around cable standards, brands and what level of overall network management you require. For our domestic clients we normally recommend Ubiquiti kit UniFi WiFi – Ubiquiti.

For most projects a site survey incurs no charge. Apart from some cases where the property or business is much larger and there are bespoke requirements.  If the

2) Quotation and booking: We will send a quote, based on the requirements discussed. As long as the requirements do not change during the installation. It covers the total cost of the entire project, parts, labor and taxes.  When you accept the quote, we will schedule the installation.

3) Installation Day: We pride ourselves on providing a respectful in-Home Service. Our WiFi set-up professionals prioritise care and respect for your space. They treat your home as if it were their own, ensuring a smooth installation process. Minimising disruption to your daily routine as much as possible. We have received lots of positive feedback positive feedback from our past customers.

WiFi Installation Day: What to Expect

Finally the WiFi installation day is here! Our fully insured WiFi technicians will do everything they can to ensure an easy as possible hassle-free experience for you and your family or colleagues.

  • Respectful Service: Our friendly WiFi engineers understand the importance of your home. They conduct themselves with professionalism and respect, ensuring a positive experience.
  • Neat and Tidy Finish: Externally, we meticulously conceal cables wherever possible. Internally, the equipment is PoE, eliminating the need for additional power connections. Consequently, this results in an installation with fewer cables and mains power, making it compact and neat, with very few cables or equipment on display.
  • Noise planning: During the installation, short periods of drilling may be necessary. So if you are working from home during this time, kindly inform the engineers of any periods when you need to keep noise to a minimum.
  • Minimal Downtime: Service on your existing network will be available right up until the new network is complete and ready for the switch over. This means just a few minutes of interruption at the end of the installation.  Followed by a swift transition to your new/upgraded network.
  • Device Set-Up: WiFi technicians go the extra mile by setting up all your devices on the new network. From smartphones to smart home gadgets, they ensure everything seamlessly connects to your upgraded WiFi. Feel free to ask the techie any questions about your new network.
  • Cleanup: Finally, before the engineers leave, there is a cleanup of any dust and debris. Professional WiFi engineers take care of the mess, leaving your home as clean and tidy as they found it.

Welcome to Uninterrupted Connectivity

In conclusion, connectivity is key and choosing the right local WiFi engineer is paramount. In the North West, our WiFi installation services offer not just expertise but a commitment to providing you with a home network that exceeds expectations. For homeowners in the North West with large, irregular, or heritage construction properties, the expertise of WiFi specialists ensures a network tailored to your unique needs. 

I hope this post about what to expect on your home network up-grade day when you enlist the expertise of WiFi installation specialists has been useful. And addressed your concerns.  If you would like to learn more, visit our website to get in touch with a local WiFi installation technician.

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Common Home Technology issues caused by a poor WiFi signal
The common signs that the time has come to upgrade your home network.

When should you consider that it’s time to upgrade your home Wi-Fi? In this post, I discuss 5 of the tell-tale signs that your household’s tech needs have outgrown the capacity of your current home Wi-Fi system. We discuss methods to check if your broadband subscription needs upgrading or there are line faults that need fixing. If the five common home technology scenarios discussed are familiar occurrences. Finally I discuss how to restore online harmony. With a strong and stable connection throughout your home.

The 5 Signs it’s Time to Upgrade your Home Wi-Fi

Fluctuating Audio/Video Quality During On-line Video calls

Have you been in the middle of a video call with colleagues when your audio suddenly distorts and becomes inaudible? Or the video image freezes and you drop out of the conversation completely. It’s embarrassing and sometimes costly. This random problem often leaves you wondering why some times your Wi-Fi connection seems ok. Then other times you can barely manage to get anything done around slow connectivity and complete disconnects.

Buffering Entertainment Systems

Have you ever settled down to stream your favourite series and found yourself watching the buffering circle turning? This irritating situation is a symptom of your smart TV not receiving an adequate Wi-Fi signal to download the content quickly enough.

Lag During On-line Gaming

This common issue occurs when the device connected to the Wi-Fi is not communicating fast enough with the router. Therefore, the experience is a noticeable lag when online gaming. The most efficient and fastest method to transport data is via a cable from the console, PC, or tablet to the router. Where this is not possible, most up-to-date, correctly configured home Wi-Fi installations will support data throughput so that the gaming experience is unaffected.

Home Security System Disconnects

Many modern CCTV and Alarm systems rely on a consistent and stable connection from the device to the internet. For example, if your cameras frequently drop offline, you will find that most features will not function as intended. You may get flaky video when viewing your property remotely or missing footage if you ever want to playback the footage.

Wi-Fi not Reaching Outside 

Technology continues to provide us with many helpful and convenient applications both in and around the home. There are many reasons why it is increasingly important to have a strong and consistent internet connection outdoors. Examples include charging and communicating with your EV (Electric Vehicle) and continuous and reliable functioning of home security systems. Adequate Wi-Fi reach is essential for music and internet access in your garden patio, bar, or office areas. All these examples are reliant on reliable and consistent Wi-Fi. Distance from the router is a common reason for this problem and a sign that an upgrade to your home Wi-Fi network is overdue.

Possible Reasons

If one or more of the above scenarios blight your online time. Your current setup may be creaking under the strain. There is a good chance that it’s time to upgrade your home Wi-Fi network. There are a few possible causes to consider. One or more of your Network devices could be overloaded and not have enough capacity to cope with the activity. Other things to consider are a home network bottleneck or a problem with the broadband service to your home. In most cases, the root cause of home internet connectivity issues is the distance to the nearest Wi-Fi router, booster, or access point.

Do I Upgrade my Broadband Subscription or Overhaul my Home Wi-Fi Set up?

Technology is continually advancing, so it makes sense that your home Network should also be up-to-date to best support your tech. Wi-Fi 6 is the latest network protocol. It provides a greater streaming capacity for all your Wi-Fi 6 compatible devices to communicate effectively with your router. Wi-Fi 5 is still a viable protocol and supports ample capacity, speeds, and device compatibility. Meeting the performance needs of most households. Leading us to the next question; do I upgrade the broadband subscription or optimise and distribute my bandwidth more efficiently?

You can assess if your home has reached broadband capacity by following our handy guide How to Test the Wi-Fi Signal Strength in your Home.

This blog walks you through testing broadband to your property. Then compare the strength and quality of Wi-Fi signals in various locations around your home.  

How to Upgrade your Home Wi-Fi

If the bandwidth to your home is ample reliable and consistent. You might be planning a new tech purchase, signing up for a streaming subscription, smart home automation, installing a security system, or purchasing an electric car. Bearing in mind these will all add extra overhead to your network. The next step is to consult a professional Wi-Fi engineer to assess how to distribute the available bandwidth where you need it.

In conclusion, installing a quality home network, correctly, will provide the infrastructure to support all your devices and systems to their optimum potential. It’s worth overhauling your home network infrastructure to prevent any pesky, annoying, and sometimes embarrassing connectivity issues. Now you can easily spot the signs that it’s time to upgrade your home Wi-Fi. If you would like further information, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Check out our website, drop us a mail or give us a call.

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