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4 Causes of Poor WiFi Signal Coverage in your Home

In this Post we will be looking at the most Common Reasons for Poor WiFi Signal Coverage in your Home

If you’re experiencing poor WiFi signal coverage in your home. It can cause a lot of anxiety when faced with that important video meeting, home-schooling lesson or settling down to stream your favourite TV series. In this blog post we will discuss some of the reasons behind why your WiFi is not up to the job.

Poor Wi-Fi in your home
Learn the possible reasons why your internet connection isn’t up to speed.

ISP issue

ISP (Internet Service Provider) This is a problem with the service to the door. Typically when the problem occurs, it affects every device on your network at the same time. Check the router to see if the service light is solid green when your network is faulting. Another way to diagnose a service fault is to sit next to the router with an Ethernet cable. Plug your laptop directly into the LAN port to see if you get the same problem on a direct connection to your router. Contacting your ISP for a diagnostic call should sort the issue, otherwise consider a 4 or 5G backup router and sim card.

Building Materials & Obstacles

If you are experiencing intermittent low WiFi signal, dropouts, and disconnects. The issue could be the construction of the building. Some properties soak up WiFi this is due to the construction materials. Masonry, timber, and concrete walls are more problematic for WiFi signals. Water and metal are also notorious for interfering with WiFi. Aquariums and under-floor heating can affect how far your WiFi signal will travel. It is possible that moving your router to another location may improve the performance of your network.

Interference from other Wireless Networks or Devices

WiFi poor network speeds and lag can be caused by signal interference from other WiFi networks.  These can be other networks in your home, such as your home entertainment media system or externally if a neighbours wireless network is configured to the same frequency.  Sources of signal interference in you home can be incorrectly set up SKY Q systems or Mesh networks that are oversaturating the signal in your home.

Devices that use blue tooth, baby monitors, remote alarms, microwaves and TV’s can cause intermittent disturbance in the frequency range of most WiFi networks.

Large or Irregular Shaped Homes 

Where WiFi signal is none existent or very weak with distance from the router, especially upstairs. The issue is likely to be that the signal cannot extend as far as you need it to. Similarly, if your home is an irregular shape with lots of external walls. Your WiFi signal may not be able to penetrate the thicker walls.

Do you need a Home Network to Resolve a Poor WiFi Signal Coverage at Home?

There are some straight forward solutions you can implement to remedy your poor WiFi signal coverage in your home. However, if your home is constructed with WiFi impermeable materials, contains signal soaking obstacles or is large or an irregular shape. You may have tried the WiFi extending products such as powerline adapters (home plugs), WiFi boosters and extenders without success. Then the gold standard solution is a home data network installation.

A correctly planned and configured home network will extend wireless signal and work around the obstacles. It will provide internet connectivity at the range, reliability, security and speed to support all your on-line devices. There are two main home network topologies to consider; either a mesh network or a star wired ethernet backbone with wireless access points. We will discuss the relative merits of each of these types of networks in more depth on a future post.

I hope you have found this article helpful on the causes of poor WiFi signal coverage in your home, if you have check out our website for further information, and of course drop us a mail, give us a call or complete the contact us form for further information.

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